衣服英语怎么说 衣服的复数形式是什么


第一个:ants in their pants

例如这个短语“ants in their pants”。字面翻译为“裤裆里有蚂蚁”,乍一看似乎毫无意义。实际上,它用来形容一种紧张不安的状态,就像中文里说的“热锅上的蚂蚁”。例如,句子“I have ants in my pants for the coming exam on Tuesday.”可以理解为:“想到周二就要考试,我真是坐立不安。”

第二个:caught with their pants down

有时候,人们可能会“caught with their pants down”,这个短语的字面意思是一个人裤子掉了却被抓住,这显然是十分尴尬的。实际上,它形容的是某人在做不光彩的事情时被揭穿。例如,句子“A famous singer was caught with his pants down when he was having sex with a prostitute in the back of his car last night.”可以翻译为:“昨晚,一个著名歌手在汽车后座与妓女发生关系时被当场抓住。”

第三个:fly by the seat of one's pants

当琼斯在这个小镇上开始做生意时,他一个朋友都没有,只能“fly by the seat of his pants”。这个短语意指在没有明确指引的情况下,凭借直觉来应对挑战。在这种情况下,琼斯只能依赖自己的经验和判断来探索新的商业机会。

第四个:burn a hole in your pocket

提到口袋,常常与金钱的花费有关。短语“burn a hole in your pocket”形容一个人花钱如流水,就像口袋上烧了个洞。中文也有类似的表达,比如“有钱就烧得快”。例如,句子“I am sure he’ll spend his wages in a few days because the money is burning a hole in his pocket.”翻译为:“我相信不出几天他就会把工资花光,因为他总是留不住钱。”


自负的人(People who are too big for their boots);

取代别人(fill their shoes);

爱摆架子(a real stuffed shirt);

直爽坦率(wears his heart on his sleeve);

制胜法宝(a card up his sleeve)等等。