spare的意思 spare英文怎么读

spare的意思 spare英文怎么读




“Spare the rod and spoil the child.”



“Up to now, Mr. Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other.”


spare的意思 spare英文怎么读

Ⅰ. “spare”词汇基础解读及用法示例

1. spare 作为名词





2. spare 作为形容词



a spare key/tyre


spare sheets and blankets

例如,“Have you got a spare pen?” 意为你是否有一支备用的笔?

如有必要的话,“We've got a spare room if you want to stay overnight with us.” 说明我们有一个空房间,可以供你过夜使用。

在询问是否需要某物时,“Do you want this cake?”,“Yes, if it's going spare” 表示如果没有其他人需要的话,我愿意接受这块蛋糕。

3. spare 表示空闲的时间


在空闲时间里做园艺:“I like to do a bit of gardening in my spare time.”

询问对方是否有空:“Could I have a word with you when you've got a spare moment/minute?”

4. spare 作为动词表示“抽出时间”


五分钟是我能给你的最长时间:“Five minutes is all that I can spare for you.”

如果你能留出一到两周的时间:“If you can spare a week or two, pack your bag because September will be your best month to go.”

5. spare 用于表示“拨出”或“分配”


请问你能借我100元吗?:“Could you spare me 100 yuan?”

我很想去,但恐怕没时间:“I'd love to come, but I'm afraid I can't spare the time.”

6. spare 表示“剩余”


如果你织完毛衣剩下毛线:“If you've got any wool to spare when you've finished the pullover, can you make me some gloves?”

我赶上飞机时距离起飞只剩两分钟:“I caught the plane with only two minutes to spare.”

我们必须尽快完成文章:“There's no time/We've got no time to spare if we want to get the article written by tomorrow.”

spare的意思 spare英文怎么读

1. spare 作为形容词表示“瘦高的”

此用法主要出现在文学中,用来描述身体的瘦长形态。例如:“He had the spare build of a runner.”

2. spare 作为形容词表示“简朴的”

通常指未装饰、简洁的风格,例如:“The interior is spare, almost minimalist.”

3. spare 作为动词的其他用法


他们请求他放过妇女和儿童:“They asked him to spare the women and children.”

幸运的是,我躲过了弹吉他的尴尬:“Luckily, I was spared the embarrassment of having to play the guitar in front of everyone.”

这起事故非常严重,我不想讲述细节:“It was a serious accident - but I'll spare you the gruesome details.”

4. spare 表示“简朴的”

例如:“Inside, the two small rooms were spare and neat, stripped bare of ornaments.”

spare的意思 spare英文怎么读

Ⅲ. 常见的“spare”惯用语

1. go spare (惯用语)表示“非常生气”

例如:“She goes spare if I'm so much as five minutes late.”

2. spare no effort/expense (惯用语)表示“不遗余力”

例如:“He spared no effort in the campaign to save the environment.”