





你一定听过“不要将所有鸡蛋放在一个篮子里”这句谚语,它告诫我们不要孤注一掷,这句话用英语表达就是 "Don't put all your eggs in one basket."

而"have egg on one's face"可不是指脸上真的沾着鸡蛋,而是指“(尤指有权威的人)丢脸,出丑”。 这个短语让人联想到古代犯人游街示众时被围观群众扔鸡蛋的场景,真是颜面扫地!(还记得《还珠格格2》里那个被扔鸡蛋的棋社老板夫妇吗?)。

“As sure as eggs is eggs”字面意思虽然是“像鸡蛋就是鸡蛋那样”,但实际表达的意思是“千真万确”,表示一件事绝对真实,毫无疑问。

"Lay an egg"本意是“下蛋”,用来形容禽类很正常,但如果用来形容人,意思可就大不相同了。它表示你做一件事情“完全失败”(mainly informal to fail completely in what you are trying to do)。

“Boiling eggs” is the English term for the action of cooking eggs in boiling water, while “boiled eggs” refers to the cooked result.

Not knowing how to boil an egg implies someone is incapable of handling even the simplest cooking task. In a Chinese context, it's akin to saying “You can’t even cook instant noodles!”

Moving on from boiling, let’s talk about frying eggs (fried eggs).

Frying an egg is not just a skill—it’s an art form.

What’s the worst-looking fried egg you’ve ever seen?

Pictures like this often pop up in online compilations of culinary disasters:

Before you laugh (yes, you!), remember that egg-based dishes come in countless varieties.

What’s your all-time favorite?

Share your thoughts in the comments below!