

英语中,"happen", "occur"和"take place"都可以表示“发生”,但使用场景有所区别。
1. Happen - 偶然事件
"Happen" 是最常用的表达,通常指偶然发生的事情。
The accident happened at 5 o'clock. (事故发生在5点钟。)


What happened to you (the radio)? (你(收音机)怎么了?)
What happened then? (后来又发生了什么事?)


She happened to be out when he called. (他打电话时, 她恰巧不在家。)
What happened when you told her the news? (你告诉她这个消息时,她有何反应?)


2. Occur - 正式场合或计划事件
"Occur" 比 "happen" 更为正式, 可以指偶然事件,也可以指计划好的事情。
The earthquake occurred at dawn. (地震发生在黎明时分。)
The murder occurred at about 3:00pm. (凶杀案大约发生在下午三点。)
A serious traffic accident occurred yesterday. (昨天发生了一起严重的交通事故。)
The accident happened / occurred at about 10. (事故大约发生在 10 点钟。)
3. Take place - 计划事件
"Take place" 通常指按计划发生的事情,例如会议、婚礼等。
The meeting will take place on Sunday. (会议星期日举行。)


The Olympics take place every four years. (奥运会每四年举行一次。)
The wedding will take place next Saturday. (婚礼将在下周六举行。)
"Take place" 还可以用于描述重大事件或变化:
Great changes have taken place in China. (中国发生了翻天覆地的变化。)
Great changes have taken place in the past three decades. (过去三十年发生了很大变化。)
The parade will take place on Sunday, rain or shine. (庆祝游行定于星期日举行,风雨无阻。)
"Happen", "occur" 和 "take place" 都是不及物动词, 不能直接跟宾语,也不能用于被动语态。
How did the accident happen [occur]? (事故是怎样发生的?)
Elections take place every four years. (每 4 年举行一次选举。)
Break out - 突然发生, 常用于描述战争、冲突、疾病等。
He was 29 when war broke out. (战争爆发时他才29岁。)
Rioting broke out in the capital. (首都爆发了骚乱事件。)

"Break Out" 的替换及分析:
为了使文章更生动,避免重复使用 "break out",我们可以用以下词语替换:

原文 | 修改建议 | 解析

| A row has broken out over education. | A heated debate has erupted over education. | "Erupt" 比喻争论像火山爆发一样突然而激烈。 |
| Most of the occupants had left before the fire broke out. | Most of the occupants had evacuated before the fire ignited. | "Ignite" 强调火的开始,更直接。 |
| Fires broke out at three railway stations... | Fires blazed at three railway stations... | "Blaze" 突显火势的猛烈。 |
| A few minutes after take-off,... a fire had broken out. | A few minutes after take-off,... a fire erupted. | "Erupted" 强调火灾的突然性。 |
| Fire broke out during the night. | A fire ignited during the night. | "Ignited" 更简洁明了。 |
| The plague has broken out. | The plague has emerged. | "Emerge" 强调瘟疫的出现。 |
| A fight broke out between rival groups of fans. | A brawl erupted between rival groups of fans. | "Brawl" 特指群体斗殴。 |
| Fighting had broken out between rival groups of fans. | Violence flared between rival groups of fans. | "Flare" 比喻暴力行为像火焰一样突然爆发。|
| Clashes broke out between police and demonstrators. | Confrontations erupted between police and demonstrators. | "Confrontation" 强调冲突的对峙性。 |
| ...when war broke out. | ...when war was declared. | "Declare" 强调战争的正式开始。 |
| Communal violence broke out in different parts of the country. | Communal violence flared up in different parts of the country. | "Flare up" 强调暴力事件的突然性。 |
| ...when civil war broke out. | ...when civil war erupted. | "Erupt" 强调内战的爆发。 |
| The fighting broke out about two hours after sundown. | The fighting commenced about two hours after sundown. | "Commence" 更正式地表示开始。 |
| Gunfire broke out early this morning... | Gunfire erupted early this morning... | "Erupted" 强调枪声的突然响起。 |
| ...if war broke out... | ...if war were to erupt... | "Erupt" 更形象地表现战争的爆发。 |
| ...the Korean conflict broke out. | ...the Korean conflict began. | "Begin" 更直接地表达战争的开始。 |
| Shooting broke out after the guards surrounded a villa... | Shooting started after the guards surrounded a villa... | "Start" 更简洁明了。 |
| Fighting had broken out and all was chaos and confusion. | Fighting had commenced, plunging everything into chaos and confusion. | "Commence" 与 "plunging" 搭配,使句子更具冲击力。 |
Arise (v.): 出现,发生 (正式用语)
A new challenge has arisen in the project. (项目中出现了一个新的挑战。)
Should the opportunity arise, I'd love to visit Japan. (如果有机会,我很想去日本看看。)
Occur (v.): 发生,出现
The accident occurred at night. (事故发生在晚上。)
It never occurred to me to ask for help. (我从未想过要寻求帮助。)
"Break out" 的确切含义取决于上下文,可以指战争、火灾、疾病、暴力、争吵等的突然爆发。为了避免重复,我们可以根据具体情况选择更生动、更精准的词语来替换。

The sudden eruption of violence might be triggered by any unforeseen event.

Should the demand be sufficient, an additional flight will be scheduled for Saturday.

Take advantage of any opportunity to transplant the spring cabbage.

Birds, too, will seize any chance to damage crops.
