

1. "Carry a book with at all times" can actually be effective, as long as you frequently dip in. This way, reading becomes your default state, and you merely surface briefly to handle other tasks before immersing yourself again.


  • dip :v.先向下再向上
  • dip in :快速地进入
  • default : n.默认 v.违约;一致
  • the default state : 常态
  • surface : n.表面;v. 浮出表面

2. The prevailing social expectation to enroll in college immediately after high school, coupled with the mounting pressure to succeed in a rapidly changing world, often leads students to disregard the option of taking a gap year.


  • widespread : adj.普遍的,广泛的
  • conjunction : n.结合
  • in conjunction with : 与...联结
  • overlook : v.俯视;忽视

3. Four decades of evidence demonstrates that corporations in both Europe and the US, despite facing increasing "soft pressure," systematically sidestep meritocratic hiring and promotion practices, hindering women from reaching top positions.


  • after all : 毕竟
  • decade : n.十年
  • corporation :
  • corporate : adj.公司的,全体的
  • evade : v.逃避,逃离
  • meritocratic : adj.精英领导的
  • promotion : n.晋升;促销;推动;促进
  • top position : 高层
  • put upon : 施加...(不好的)

4. The internet, combined with pressure from funding agencies challenging the practice of commercial publishers profiting from government-funded research by restricting access, is making open access to scientific findings a reality.


  • commercial : adj.商业的 n.商业广告
  • make access to : 使...通;使...可能

5. The unique geographic characteristics of America, the complex interplay between diverse national groups, and the inherent challenges of upholding old-world traditions in a young and developing continent all contribute to significant societal shifts.


  • geography : n.地理
  • geographic : adj.地理的
  • geo- : 与地理有关
  • peculiar : adj.特有的,奇怪的
  • interplay : n.相互的作用;相互的影响
  • sheer : adj.纯粹的
  • extreme difficulty : 极其困难
  • raw : adj.生的;原始的;未加工的
  • continent : n.大洲,大陆

6. Under the plan, for example, the agency said it would not initiate legal proceedings against landowner or businesses that unintentionally kill, harm, or disturb the bird, provided they had signed a binding management plan to restore open grassland .


  • prosecute : v.起诉,控告
  • prosecution : n.起诉,控告
  • intend : v.企图...,意图...
  • intention : n.企图,意图
  • unintend : v.无意...
  • unintentional : adj.无意的
  • as long as = so long as 只要
  • sign : v.签名
  • signature : n.签名
  • restore : v.恢复
  • prairie : n.大草原
  • grassland : n.草地
  • habitat : v.栖息
  • resident : n.居民

7. In his article "How Intelligent Is Intelligence Testing?" ,Sternberg notes that conventional tests are best at evaluating analytical and verbal abilities but fail to measure inventiveness and applicable understanding, elements also crucial to resolution of problems and success in life.


  • intelligent : adj. 聪明的
  • intelligence: n. 聪明,才智
  • assess: v. 评估
  • assessment : n. 评估
  • analytical: adj. 分析的
  • verbal : adj. 文字的;口头的
  • compose: v. 组成
  • compose of: 由...组成
  • composition: n. 成分;构成
  • component: n. 成分 adj. 成分的;组成的
  • critical: adj. 批评的;关键的

8. 正因为来自不同的历史时期、不同地域和有着不同社会经历的读者对页面上那些相同的文字会产生不同但有重叠的解读 -- 包括对涉及人类所关注的基本问题的文本解读,关于文本解读的争议才能在信仰和价值观的社会讨论中发挥重要作用。

  • precise: adj. 准确的,精确的
  • precisely: adv. 准确地
  • → 固定搭配:precisely because: 正因为
  • lap: n. 大腿;(操场的)圈
  • overlap: v. 重叠
  • overlapping: adj. 重叠的
  • reading: n. 解读,阅读
  • engage : v. 参与,从事;聘用,雇佣; 订婚
  • engage with: 关于,有关
  • engage in 参与,从事

9. 在杜兰大学的眼泪分析实验室,彼得.卡斯尔博士和他的同事报告称,他们可以用眼泪来检测出滥用毒品及使用药物的情况,确认隐形眼镜戴起来是否合适或者是戴着不舒服的原因,还能用来研究“干眼”综合征产生的原因和眼部手术的效果,也许甚至还能用来测量与环境污染物接触的情况。


  • laboratory : n.实验室
  • detect : v.侦查;检测
  • abuse : v. 滥用;虐待
  • expose : v.暴露;曝光
  • exposure : n.暴露
  • medication : n.药物(处方药、管制药等)
  • lens : (不是复数)n.镜片;;晶状体
  • contact : v.接触
  • contact lens : 隐形眼镜
  • syndrome : n.综合征
  • pollutant : n.污染物

10. Young people who are still getting started in life were more likely than older adults to prioritize personal fulfillment in their work, to believe they will advance their careers most by regularly changing jobs, to favor communities with more public services and a faster pace of life, to agree that couples should be financially secure before getting married or having children, and to maintain that children are best served by two parents working outside the home, the survey found.



  • laboratory : n. 实验室 (用于科学研究的场所)
  • detect : v. 发现;查明 (注意到不易察觉的事物)
  • abuse : v. 滥用;虐待 (错误或过度使用)
  • expose : v. 暴露;揭露 (使…显露出来)
  • exposure : n. 暴露 (接触…的机会)
  • medication : n. 药物 (治疗疾病的物质)
  • lens : n. 透镜 (聚焦或分散光线的透明物体)
  • contact : n. 接触 (两事物相交或相互影响的状态)
  • contact lens : 隐形眼镜 (直接戴在眼睛上的矫正视力透镜)
  • syndrome : n. 综合征 (一组同时出现的症状)
  • pollutant : n. 污染物 (污染环境的物质)

10. 一项调查发现,与年长者相比,刚步入社会的年轻人更有可能:将个人成就感放在工作的首位;相信频繁跳槽是职业发展最佳途径;更青睐公共服务完善、生活节奏更快的社区;认为夫妻双方应在经济稳定后再考虑结婚生子;并坚信父母双方都外出工作对孩子的成长最为有利。

1. 单词解释: 使用更简洁、更易理解的语言解释单词含义,并补充了一些上下文相关的解释。
2. 句子结构: 将原文中冗长的句子拆分为短句,并使用更符合中文表达习惯的语序和句式,使句子更易读懂。
3. 表达方式: 对一些词语和表达方式进行了替换,例如将“处在生活起跑线”替换为“刚步入社会”,将“更有限考虑”替换为“将…放在首位”,使语言更加流畅自然。