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Family Reunion
保罗·马丁对家庭聚会并不感兴趣。 Paul Martin did not find much interest in his family reunion.
他是一个独行者,喜欢独自做事情。 He is a loner and prefers to do things alone.
他喜欢独自看电影、听音乐会、吃饭。 He enjoys watching movies, attending concerts, and eating alone.
在家庭聚会上,保罗独自坐在一个无人的桌子上,这并不令人惊讶。 At the family reunion, it was not surprising to see Paul sitting alone at a table with no one around.
偶尔,他的亲戚会过来打招呼,但他的堂兄弟姐妹从未与他打过招呼。 Occasionally, a relative would come up to him and say hello, but his cousins never said hello to him.
保罗对此并不在意,因为他也不喜欢和他们说话。 Paul was fine with it as he didn't like talking to them either.
在最后一次家庭聚会时,保罗决定戏弄他的堂兄弟们。 During his last family reunion, Paul decided to play a trick on his cousins.
他的堂兄弟们正在叔叔的房间里玩任天堂的游戏。 His cousins were playing Nintendo in his uncle's room.
保罗知道如何关掉家里的所有电源。 Paul knew how to turn off all the power in the house.
他锁上了叔叔房间的门,然后去关掉电源。 He locked the door to his uncle's room and proceeded to turn off the power.
当所有的灯都熄灭时,他能听到堂兄弟们开始叫喊。 When all the lights went off, he could hear his cousins begin to yell.
他们很失望,因为游戏进行得很顺利。 They were upset because the game was going well.
当他的堂兄弟们试图离开时,他们发现门被锁了。 When his cousins tried to leave, they realized that the door was locked.
他们开始大声呼救,保罗开始大笑。 They began to yell for help while Paul started laughing.
他所有的叔叔阿姨都在外面参加聚会,所以没人能听到叫喊声。 All of his aunts and uncles were outside enjoying the party, so no one could hear the yells.
保罗回到外面,在一张桌子旁坐下。 Paul returned outside and sat down at a table.
他仍然在笑。 He was still laughing.
一个小时过去了,他的姑妈开始找她的儿子。 An hour passed, and his aunt started looking for her son.
当保罗的堂兄弟们终于从房间里出来时,他们开始寻找保罗,因为他们知道是保罗把他们锁在那里的。 When Paul's cousins were finally released from the room, they started looking for Paul because they knew he had locked them in.
保罗并不担心,他知道他们不会做什么。 Paul wasn't worried as he knew they wouldn't do anything.
他看着他们,笑了,然后回去听音乐。 He looked at them, laughed, and then went back to listening to music.
表兄弟俩坐下来吃点东西。 The cousins sat down and had something to eat.
他们都对保罗感到生气。 They were all mad at Paul.